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If you ask a parent with a junior golfer their favorite moment on the golf course, overwhelmingly, they will tell you it has nothing to do with score, trophies, or great golf courses. Instead, most will recall a memory with their child. Maybe it’s the first time they walked the course with their junior golfer. Or when they witnessed the joy of their son or daughter getting the ball up in the air for the first time. Maybe it was simply watching their golfer make a putt and break into a smile. The U.S. Kids Golf Foundation believes every parent and child deserves these memories, and we need your help to provide them.
You can help families have an unforgettable experience on the golf course, all while you watch some of the best junior golfers right in your own backyard. To register, simply choose the OPEN link to the regional you are interested in below. Complete the application by selecting the shifts that fit your schedule. Please select "Continue" at the bottom of the page. Once registered, you will receive further information on your shift details/event information as we approach the event date. Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our tournaments team at or 770-441-3077 ext. 6504.
The mission of U.S. Kids Golf is to help kids have fun learning the lifelong game of golf and to encourage family interaction that builds lasting memories. We thank you for considering this unique opportunity!
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